
About Us

Special YouTube Video Contest - October 2023

Duration: October 1st, 2023 - October 31st, 2023

Total Prize Pool: $10

Contest Details:

Hello, YouTubers and gaming enthusiasts!

Our October video contest is here! We invite all of you to participate and have a chance to win exciting prizes, along with an exciting opportunity to showcase your creative talent.

Contest Requirements:

  1. Theme: Videos related to any game (PC, console, mobile) - you can play, comment, create tutorials, or share interesting moments from the game.
  2. Duration: Videos must be at least 3 minutes long.
  3. Public Visibility: Videos must be public on your YouTube channel and must have a title starting with "#NinjaBossHunter".
  4. Link and Hashtag: Share the link to your video and the hashtag #NinjaBossHunter on our Facebook page (ensure the post is public).


  • 1st Place: $5 - (3500 view)
  • 2nd Place: $3 - (2500 view)
  • 3rd Place: $2 - (1500 view)

How to Participate:

  1. Upload your video to your YouTube channel, ensuring it is public and has a title starting with "#NinjaBossHunter".
  2. Email the link to your video and a screenshot of your registration confirmation youtube to ninja.bosshunter@gmail.com

Judging Criteria:

Videos will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Creativity and engaging content.
  • Videos must be uploaded after October 1st.
  • Production quality and audio-visual appeal.
  • Interaction with viewers (views, comments, likes).


Results will be announced on our Telegram page on November 5th, 2023. Prizes will be transferred via PayPal or Wallet crypto transfer within 7 business days after the results are announced.

Best of luck to all participants, and we hope to receive many exciting videos from you!